Greetings from the Harmony United Methodist Church

Mark the Dates!

Prayer Group every Wednesday in Marinette at 10:00am

At Marinette UMC

Wednesday Matinee 10:30
Showing episodes of the 
series "Chosen". 
Showing about the
of Jesus.

Youth Group/Family Night every 
Wednesday 5pm

At Marinette UMC

Charge Youth Event - Ice Skating: Jan. 27th @ 4:00p
Meal at Marinette UMC, 5:00p
Skating at the Rec Center

Everyone is Welcome!

By Luanne Gabriel

Matt 5:16 says, " Let your light shine before men
that they may see your good works and glorify your
Father which is in heaven.
We have been thanking God for the kindness of
some of Harmony's thoughtful members. Although
we have said our thanks to them, our hearts have
been continually thanking God.  How very
blessed we are.  Thanks!
As we start a New Year, let us all let our light

shine so God may be glorified.