The Messenger

Receive not God's God's grave in vain...
now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation
2 Corinthians 6:1-2


Greetings Church,                                                                                                                  
     It is with recent cooler temperatures that one can begin to yearn for the warmer months of the
year when the ground is right for planting new seeds and watering the seedlings.  And yet here weare in one of the coldest times of the year in Wisconsin and God's word still holds the truth that
it always does no matter what the season.  February, as I have written in the past, is known as the month
of love.  And so as we proceed through this month let us plant a bit of Christian love within the relationships that we are privileged to have.  This includes being patient with, optimistic toward, and
forgiving of one another.  If we can hold mindsets as simple as this, we might just be surprised at what God will spring forth.  On this note let share as well how thankful I am for the ways that all three Churches 
have stepped up to nurture their faith communities in the last few weeks, especially regarding all the
​​​​​​​celebrations of life that have bee hosted within the Church.

     The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and this year this is also so Valentines Day (Feburary
14, 2024).  The day before is Shrove Tuesday and that night the Harmony UMC will be holding
their Pancake Dinner.  I invite everyone to come out to have some great food and fellowship while
you support the local church!  This year's Ash Wednesday service will be at the Marinette First UMC
on Feb/ 14th and the Good Friday Service will be in Peshtigo UMC on March 29th.


              If we the local Church are not sharing the love of Jesus Christ, then who is?         
                                                                  "People harvest what they plant"                                                        
Peace and Towels,
         Pastor Nate Reed.
